Nothing in particular

I really don't have much to share here, at least nothing I have the energy to compose right now. Russ is away on buisness and I always stay up WAY too late when he's gone. I am exhausted. Hailey decided to catch pink eye this afternoon and so at least I can look forward to a day off from work tomorrow to keep her from contaminating the entire school. I am hoping to be busy and accomplish a lot. We'll see.

I mostly wanted to write something, anything, to move that picture of me with my giant nose to below the screen when I pull up my blog. I am very tired of looking at it and wondering why in the world I decided to put that in there. But it is me, that's what I look like all the time and I apologize that you all have to look at that whenever you see me. I'm just not used to it and it's driving me crazy so I needed to fill some space to move that picture down so I don't have to look at it anymore. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate how I look, I just don't want to examine my profile every time I want to read all of your lovely blogs. So there is one incredibly ridiculous and boring blog all to move the picture.

The blessed and incredible thing I will leave you with is this, that I will be leaving Monday in the wee hours of the morning with seven good girlfriends to spend a week cruising to Mexico. Can. Not. Wait. For this wild and rare opportunity and will be sure to fill you all in with a much more interesting and exciting post when I return.

Hailey and I in Cancun, Mexico last January


Jen Rouse said...

I always stay up way too late when Eric is gone too, no matter how much I remind myself that I'm happier when I'm on my regular is a no-school day for us and even though I planned to stay on my regular schedule and get things's 8 a.m. and I'm still in my PJs reading blogs! Give us a little freedom and we just take advantage of it.

Also, that picture was cute and funny and not bad...but I probably would get tired of seeing a big picture of my own face too :)

So jealous about Mexico. Have a wonderful time!

Acker Family said...

You crack me up. Your previous post with your picture is beautiful! But I totally know what you mean, I've done posts just to move another post down further! We're so silly :) Hope you're having the BEST time on your cruise-can't wait to hear all about it!