
Why won't my pictures download onto my computer?
Why are there grounds in my coffee?
Why did my phone ring and wake me up early this morning when my kids were sleeping in?
Why is it so rainy and stormy outside?
Why can't I find a cute white cardigan for my daughter to wear for Easter?
Why are those little aprons I'm making so hard?
Why do I keep avoiding them?


I will ponder (and pray about) those things while I'm taking a hot shower and then I will just look forward to my date with my husband tonight (thanks Erin) and have a happy heart!


Erin said...

I know you don't really need a reminder of just how dreamy your life is. If the worst problem in life is the lack of a small white cardigan for a beautiful, healthy young daughter and grounds in your coffee, then life is pretty good! With that said, it's so easy to get down about normal-life occurances. I'm glad you have the day off to pray on ponder and can't wait to babysit your darlings!

Jen Rouse said...

Oh, grounds in the coffee! And wrong-number phone calls at inconvenient times! Those are the worst. I feel Hailey's pain, too. I was looking for a small white cardigan for my own Easter dress last night. As you said: whatever! Enjoy your nice shower and your date.