Please excuse my absence. I have been enjoying my summer with my two sweet kids too much to sit inside and blog! We've done crazy crafts, swim lessons, the fair, baseball games, play dates, berry picking, BBQ's and lots of lazy days full of reading and naps. The kids even set up an adorable garage sale all on their own. (they sold nothing but it kept them busy for hours)It's been lovely!

But all those lazy days are going to change very soon! There are some exciting new things ahead for the Libby family that are quickly approaching. The first is that we are officially certified to be foster parents for a newborn baby and we are expecting a call any time. That will turn our lives upside down just like if we were having a baby of our own! I'm really excited, but a little anxious about being out of my mind tired with all the nighttime feedings! But I'm trusting God to get me though that because with Him all things are possible. Including the next huge change!
We are homeschooling the kids this year! I have the cirriculum chosen and the forms sent in and we are on our way. There are lots of reasons but mainly it just makes sense. We are transitioning our of a private school we loved and trying to move to Salem. God hasen't moved us yet so we're going to fill in the gap and commit to homeschooling for a year and see where we're at next school year before we make any further plans. I'm super excited about this opportunity but still a little anxious about being exhausted and teaching my kids at home! But I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
So, now that you're all filled in, I could use your prayers and encouragement more than ever! I won't be able to share details about the babies we get to take care of but I'll keep everyone updated on what is going on here in our little nest! Thanks for all the support and love!
Well, then! Those are some huge changes!! I'm so excited for the baby that you're expecting, what a sweet job to do! I will pray that you will have much help and get lots of rest and time to sit & love on that baby.
And homeschooling, another virtuous adventure! I'm excited to see what adventures you have as a family and for the relationships that will deepen (that is what happens when you have your kiddos with you all the live long day) and fun you'll have. One thought....esp with baby coming; Put away your rigid ideas of what school looked like when you were there. Go ahead and start school at 10 if you need the extra rest, or do school when that baby is sleeping. You'll drive yourself crazy if you try to keep a schedule that doesn't match.
So excited for your journeys. I know God chose You for the tasks because He is in you, He is what you need to accomplish all of these things. And as He reminded me yesterday, He delights in the details of our lives.....Ps. 37:25.
Will be praying for you and yours...
I can't wait to walk along side your family in all the changes about to take place with you guys. I know He's been growing and preparing you all along for both of these big changes. It's so exciting to see how He's pruned you for His work! Go Libbys!
Wow! You are going to be super-mom next year! We will be praying for you through this transition, and let us know if there is anything we can help with- even picking up costco diapers for you or whatever :) We are going on lots of drives lately and there's no reason we can't direct them your way!
I am so excited about all that's going on in your lives! I think the homeschooling is going to be great and I am really excited to hear all about how it goes.
How blessed I am to have such an incredible wife!
So many changes! I will be praying for you friend! Let me know if you ever need anything! You'll be great you are a super mom! : And wife of course! So exciting!
So exciting, Connie! I don't usually read your blog, but popped over here from Jen's page today. :) We would love to do foster care some day and are always so encouraged by others who do it. Also, good advice from Amanda on homeschooling. :) May the Lord be your strength and joy as you embark on your new adventures!!
Hi there Connie! I've been wondering about you. Have you started school? How is it going?
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