diaper dilemma solved!

So having a little baby in the family again has reminded me of all the stuff you have to lug around to care for it on the go. Namely diapers and wipes and a bunch of other stuff. Having two older children now AND a baby is very different from just a baby and a toddler. When my two older kids were little we just sort of stayed at home, went to church or visited friends. Sometimes we went to Target but that was only when mommy was about to go crazy. Life looks very different now. We are going to Soccer and basketball games and practice, all day events for Club Rocksalt at church, and lots of outing for the fostering stuff. Trips to the Doctor, DHS for visits and WIC for baby's formula. There is a lot of on- the- go around here. And I'm tired of all the STUFF!!! 

 So I decided to just throw a diaper and a little Ziploc of wipes into my purse for an emergency change and then I could leave the huge diaper bag in the car when we were just running in for a few minutes and I knew I wouldn't need everything in the bag. That seemed sufficient, and it was, technically. 

 But when I was at the Doctor with the baby and I took off his diaper for a weight check he had of course pooped. So I dug around in my purse for the baggie of wipes and finally found them and then pulled the sad, wrinkled diaper out and proceeded to change him. The nurse said, "Oh do you need a clean diaper?" Um, no. It's a clean diaper. It might not look clean, but it is. Thankyouverymuch! Hmmmm. I wondered if I could come up with something a little cuter to hold my diapers and wipes that would keep them form looking used (ahem) and still fit on my purse. 

 I came up with a basic design and fiddled around with it until I could fit in a travel wipes case and a few diapers and still have it fit in my purse without complete domination. This is the result! I'm really happy with it and now I won't have to be embarrassed about the nurse or librarian or caseworker thinking I'm putting a slightly used diaper on my little man's bum!

And you'll be pleased to know that this diaper clutch will soon be available for purchase in my long neglected etsy shop.Yeah you heard me right! I'm going to open my shop again and it  will be full of fun items for babies and kids! (As well as their moms) I'll keep you posted on the opening date and will finally be doing that giveaway! The baglady is back!


Engelsman Family said...

I love this diaper clutch as you call it for just doing a quick errand or an emergency. Can't wait until you start selling them because I for sure will be buying one.

paulashley said...

Who would keep an open dirty diaper in their purse?! Seriously, I'm thinking that nurse was feeling just as silly as you were after she asked that question!!!
I love the diaper clutch tho! I've done the wrinkly diaper too and that looks an awful lot more fabulous!