Shellburg. I like to say that word. Shellburg. Shellburg Falls.

Anyhow, that's where we went on Sunday afternoon, minus one. Hailey was at a friends house entertaining another family for the afternoon, so we took Ethan for some one on one time and hiked to Shellburg falls.

It was a GORGEOUS day and we thoroughly enjoyed being outside with our big boy. We were able to really hike it too without the little legs of sis getting tired.

It was just such a special time for Ethan to have his own voice and the total attention of his parents. He is so smart and curious and chatty! Fun times.

Anyhow, that's where we went on Sunday afternoon, minus one. Hailey was at a friends house entertaining another family for the afternoon, so we took Ethan for some one on one time and hiked to Shellburg falls.
It was a GORGEOUS day and we thoroughly enjoyed being outside with our big boy. We were able to really hike it too without the little legs of sis getting tired.

It was just such a special time for Ethan to have his own voice and the total attention of his parents. He is so smart and curious and chatty! Fun times.

The black and white picture where we are near the water fall is a misrepresentation of reality. We were right next to it. We were both soaked in less than 30 seconds. I could reach out and touch the falling water...
It is so dreamy to be with one of your little pumpkins at a give them so much one on one, isn't it? Just dreamy!
fun Connie - we always love that one on one time too.
Where is Shellberg falls? I've never even heard of it!
Odd about the misrepresentation of the black and white pic. It is beautiful though!
And I'm with Jen... I've never heard of Shellberg falls either. Where is it?
Yes, please do spill the beans on where that gorgeous place is!
...and 2 on 1 time?
It blows my mind that Ethan is so big. I still remember checking him into the one year old class and laughing with you about how much he looks like Russ :) West turned two today and it really put into perspetive how fast time is going. I told Paul this, and mentioned West will be five before we know it- but he told me I'm not allowed to say that. He likes his little boy little:)
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