Last week was spirit week at our school. Friday was crazy hair day. A day that this household has been looking forward to all year. Ever since last year on crazy hair day when Ethan's idea could not come to fruition because his hair was too short, he has been planning. He has been growing, his hair that is. It is LONG and in his face but it all made sense last Friday when the crazy hair was complete. And it was crazy!
Little pony tails all over his head. The whole time I was fixing it he was realizing that crazy hair sometimes equals pain. He was pleased with the outcome though. I guess he heard a few comments about looking like a girl at school but I think it was worth it to him in the end. He was the craziest hair in his class and pretty close in the whole school. I'm so proud.

Hailey went with a more messy approach and slept in tiny braids all night and then let it flow free. Kind of cute if you ask me.
The thing I'm most pumped about is that now I can get Ethan a hair cut! He get in tomorrow! Hooray! I'm not cut out for this rocker hair style so many boys have. I'll be relieved to see his eyes again!

Hailey went with a more messy approach and slept in tiny braids all night and then let it flow free. Kind of cute if you ask me.

lol! That is awesome looking on both of them! :) Cute even with crazy hair dos! :) So Connie I am curious how did you wear your hair on Crazy Hair DAy? :)
tiny little pigtails. That's All I could manage with my short hair.
Haha! He is so cute; the stuff that consumes their little worlds! You are blessed to have such a good natured, goofy little boy :)
Good for you for letting him grow his hair out for this crazy plan of his. I know that had to be hard at times! :)
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