Two weeks ago I got my baby ready for her kindergarten graduation and I sniffed my way through it. I know it's a small part of the school experience and that it's JUST kindergarten but it is an end to an era for us. Both our children have moved into grade school now and will be gone all day for school next year. That is a big deal for this mom. So I cried a little. Partly because my littlest is growing up and she's smart and beautiful, and partly because just a few years ago I watched my son graduate from the same school and with the same teacher and now he's heading in to third grade.

How quickly childhood races by. But I'm proud and excited for this next chapter. Excited for what God is going to do in their lives as they grow up and learn to serve him more! And in not too many years, as I watch them graduate high school, I'll cry these same tears and pray for their futures just as much as I am right now!
Not that any of you actually want to watch this video but it is one of the songs that made me cry the most. They are singing so proudly of all the accomplished in kindergarten and then how happy they are to be moving into first grade. Really cute to me, may not be so cute to you. And yes that's me you hear half giggling half crying in the background. I also apologize for the principals head in the way and the poor video quality, we are certainly not professional.

How quickly childhood races by. But I'm proud and excited for this next chapter. Excited for what God is going to do in their lives as they grow up and learn to serve him more! And in not too many years, as I watch them graduate high school, I'll cry these same tears and pray for their futures just as much as I am right now!
Not that any of you actually want to watch this video but it is one of the songs that made me cry the most. They are singing so proudly of all the accomplished in kindergarten and then how happy they are to be moving into first grade. Really cute to me, may not be so cute to you. And yes that's me you hear half giggling half crying in the background. I also apologize for the principals head in the way and the poor video quality, we are certainly not professional.
I can't believe you'll have both kids gone all day next year. I already feel like I'm going to miss Beth so much when she's gone all day next year, and I don't know what I'll do when all three of them get to that age!
I'm in the same boat as Jen. It's going to be hard enough to send my first off to all-day school. I totally understand the feeling you must have to have your youngest heading off to first grade! And yet, it makes it not quite so hard to know she's so prepared and it's good for our kids to continue to grow up!! We love ya, Haizer!
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