We have just returned from an unforgettable camping trip to the Redwood forest in California. We went with our really good friends the Rowzees and we had a ball! We stayed three nights at Jedadiah Smith campground and then split and our family made our way over to the Oregon Caves National Monument before heading home.The weather was a perfect 80 degrees in the afternoon and never got too cold at night.

We had good food,

beautiful hikes, lazy afternoons by the river and lots of quality time with good friends.
The kids had a ball together and I managed to catch a picture of Allie letting Russ hold her for a moment before she was off and running again!

I knew the trees would be big, but I was unprepared for how completely enormous they are! I was fascinated and loved hiking through the hushed forest with those ancient trees towering over us.

I think the kids didn't really absorb how amazing the tree are, I had been before when I was a preteen and I don't remember being so enraptured by them as I was now.
They were patient though and let us take a million pictures of them standing next to those monstrous trees.The contrast was so amazing to me it was hard to choose only a few photos to share.

Some of my favorite times were down by the river. There was hardly anyone else around and it was sunny and the scenery breathtaking. Erin and I lounged by the river in the sun reading while our families fished and played in the water. We literally spent hours of our vacation that way and I miss it now most of all.
The only hiccup in the trip was the bears. When we arrived in the campground we were told there was a bear sighted in the camp the night before and that we MUST put ALL our food inside the bear lockers that were provided at each site. I was very freaked out about that because we had a LOT of food. But we managed to figure it out and made the most of it.

The bear locker provided an extra hide out while we were preparing our meals! We did not see any bears, not even the night five were spotted by the rangers who were patrolling all night. I'm very thankful for that because I am really scared of bears, but I think I handled the reality of bears much better than I handle the fear itself.

After we said goodbye to our friends we decided to head over to the Oregon Caves and it was such an amazing experience. Ethan loved it the most I think. He just thought it was so cool that we were 220 feet underground in a cave carved out by rushing waters. It was totally worth the drive out of the way up a winding road that made me more carsick than I have ever been as an adult!

When the tour was over we hiked upon top of the mountain over the cave and took in the beautiful view and on the way back down we had a deer walk right up the path toward us so close I was actually a little freaked out. What an amazing trip!
Feel free to leave me a comment and tell me which picture you like the most or what your impression of the Redwoods are. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

We had good food,

beautiful hikes, lazy afternoons by the river and lots of quality time with good friends.

I knew the trees would be big, but I was unprepared for how completely enormous they are! I was fascinated and loved hiking through the hushed forest with those ancient trees towering over us.
I think the kids didn't really absorb how amazing the tree are, I had been before when I was a preteen and I don't remember being so enraptured by them as I was now.

Some of my favorite times were down by the river. There was hardly anyone else around and it was sunny and the scenery breathtaking. Erin and I lounged by the river in the sun reading while our families fished and played in the water. We literally spent hours of our vacation that way and I miss it now most of all.

The bear locker provided an extra hide out while we were preparing our meals! We did not see any bears, not even the night five were spotted by the rangers who were patrolling all night. I'm very thankful for that because I am really scared of bears, but I think I handled the reality of bears much better than I handle the fear itself.

After we said goodbye to our friends we decided to head over to the Oregon Caves and it was such an amazing experience. Ethan loved it the most I think. He just thought it was so cool that we were 220 feet underground in a cave carved out by rushing waters. It was totally worth the drive out of the way up a winding road that made me more carsick than I have ever been as an adult!

When the tour was over we hiked upon top of the mountain over the cave and took in the beautiful view and on the way back down we had a deer walk right up the path toward us so close I was actually a little freaked out. What an amazing trip!

The last pic of your two kiddos and that amazing view is my favorite!
I went to the Redwoods as a preteen too, and I remember thinking they were cool but not being super-amazed. Maybe we need to go down there again.
Bears--when Eric and I went camping in Wyoming and Montana there were bear warnings and food lockers everywhere and I was SO freaked out. I spent one night lying awake because I was positive there was a bear walking around outside our tent, but Eric was sure it was just a squirrel or raccoon or something. I had heard bears can even be attracted to toothpaste...which was in our backpacks inside our tent with us...and I was sure he was going to come ripping through the tent to get our toothpaste! But of course, we survived :)
I agree with Jen. My favorite picture is the last one. Although I really like the 'Wonder' one too!
Love all those pictures!! Honestly, how can you choose a favorite?! It looks like such a fun place to camp! Maybe when the kids get a bit older we'll head there. Glad you had such a great time!
OH man...what fun! All those pictures are so great! I love the last one too! What a beautiful weekend and what fun to camp with your friends! I really really love also the 5th picture down walking across the tree...amazing lighting and color! You should be a photographer!
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