Fostering Friday

Fostering Fridays are all about my journey as a foster mom, how I feel about it, the highs and lows, and how it affects my family. And of course, hoping to increase awareness and prayer for this challenging and very rewarding ministry.

Last week I shared my heart here so all of you can know our new path to walk with our precious little man. It's been a week of rejoicing  along with all of you, and lots of support and love. I so appreciate each comment, hug and prayer. We couldn't do foster care without our Great God and loving friends and family like you all! 

There have been moments where I begin to think more about saying goodbye and my hearts starts to break. the tears well up and I picture our little nursery, empty. What in the world is that going to be like?! I pray that I get to see his new room so I can picture him there sleeping and playing with his forever mom and dad. My heart is beginning to skip between joy over what I know is the Lord's perfect plan for this baby, and sorrow at having our arms be empty and our home silent without his wiggly and spirited self. 

People keep asking me if I'm okay, and truthfully I can answer yes. I am okay. It isn't easy now, and surely won't be in the future, but I keep clinging to the fact that What God has called us to, He will see us through. And He is! I am able to talk about our situation without sobbing most of the time, I am able to happily serve and care for my family and the baby each day with a smile on my face and joy in my heart, and I can rest in the deep peace that is only from God that is settling my heart even in moments of sadness. He truly does give us the strength to victoriously accomplish what He wants our lives to be about! And all we can do is thank Him, for an opportunity to be so blessed by the amazing, challenging road of fostering. 

When I got home from taking my kids to piano lessons last night I was trudging up our front steps and in the dim lighting I saw something out of the ordinary. This beautifully handmade sign was leaning by my front door waiting to be discovered. One of you who read my post last week made me this precious reminder to hang in my house. I picked it up and just started crying. My kids thought I was a little crazy until I told them what this meant. Then they too were blessed by our anonymous encourager. So if it's you, THANK YOU! Your kind thoughtfulness has touched out whole family! We will be hanging this in a prominent place to remind us in the days to come that His faithfulness will see us through!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

That is beautiful! What a wonderful gift and blessing to a wonderful family.