New room reveal

So here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for (actually only one person has been waiting and only for like 17 hours, thanks Jen.) Here's the new room.

We finally own a real bed. We found this little pretty at Ikea for $99! It really started to whole makeover. I'm very happy with it. Works with the cottage style I love. Let's all breathe a huge sigh of relief about the new duvet and nice green cover. Happily donated the old purple monster.

We moved a bookcase Russ built in here and it works much better than where we had it before. Goes a lot better than the treadmill huh?

This corner is still waiting for a little more inspiration but that pretty mocha color we decided on is definitely making me happy.

Just wanted to show you that we have a wedding picture hanging in our room! I've always wanted to hang that picture up in our bedroom but it has sadly sat in a closet since our one year anniversary when it seemed like ages ago since we had gotten married and all walls were filled up with baby pictures. It's back there, but I'm still smitten with our new bed too and had to include it in the picture picture.

Oh and yes, we did our bathroom too! Quite nice.

Just wanted you to notice the beautiful crown molding my hubby and Father-in-law put up. So pretty. Made the whole room feel fancier.

So that's the first stage of bedroom makeover 2010. However, the room is lacking the decorative statements that will make it look complete.

That is what this is for.

And this.

And even this.

Curious? Just hang on and I'll get busy and show you some of my finished projects!


Jen Rouse said...

Looks great! And yes, I am curious to see what you are going to do with all that pretty fabric.

Unknown said...

It looks WONDERFUL! You are inspiring me. Way to go Connie.

Mandi said...

Connie that is beautiful! I would have been waiting anxiously with Jen, but sadly I just read the first post a couple of minutes ago! :)

I am waiting to see what you do with all those fabrics though! How fun!

Russkateer said...

Even I'm interested... Wait a minute, how much is this going to cost?

Thanks for making our house look Great!

Unknown said...

Love it Connie!! Cant wait to see whats next :)

Family of 5 said...

It turned out so beautiful! Now I can't wait to see the finished fabric project...I think I know what you are going to do with it though! BUt I won't tell incase you don't want to give it away! :)