Flowers for spring

It's totally not Spring in the Northwest, in fact we awoke to snow!!! Here on the valley floor! It was so sunny on Monday, Tuesday was torrential rains and wind and today is snow!!! That is just so Oregon. But I'm feeling springy in my head anyway and I saw a daffodil the other day so that means Spring is on it's way! So I have a few new fabrics to choose from that are so girly and bright and cheerful they are perfect for this gray snowy day!I loaded them in the shop this afternoon and they are available to purchase now! There are three of each.

( I used the word "so" 5 times in that paragraph. So sorry!)

The diaper clutch was born out of embarrassment really. You can read my original story about them here. They are so handy to have in your purse, car, stroller or to leave at mom in laws house! That way you're never caught unprepared! 

The diaper clutch is designed to hold a travel case of wipes and up to a size 5 diaper. I usually keep three in mine and keep it in the car. Then I can stuff it in my purse when I don't want to drag in the whole diaper bag or I have backup diapers in the car that are clean and in tact!

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