Fostering Friday

Fostering Fridays are all about my journey as a foster mom, how I feel about it, the highs and lows, and how it affects my family. And of course, hoping to increase awareness and prayer for this challenging and very rewarding ministry.

Things have been heating up on the foster care front here! Three families have been chosen and have made contact with me and now we're just waiting to go to committee for them to select the baby's forever family! I know it's not really going fast but it feels like it! Each time I get the little one up from nap and he snuggles and smiles at me or when he's doing something adorable I think about how limited our days are now! I'm busy with preparations for him to transition too; gathering clothes, sorting toys, deciding which blankets to send with him and finalizing his baby book and photo album. It's so bittersweet. 

This has been a tremendous faith builder,  we have no control at this point but we surely have hopes and dreams for our little man! We have to keep clinging to the fact that God loves him more than we do and he's working out the perfect plan for him. Even if it doesn't look the way I think it should in the end, I still have to trust His sovereign plan. That is hard my friends, very hard, but I feel the Spirit within me guiding my thoughts and words as I surrender to Him and I am experiencing the peace that passes understanding. It's only by God's grace that I don't break down into a mushy puddle of tears whenever I talk about this! But He is doing a good work in me and He will be faithful to complete it! I DO trust Him! 

One of the trickiest things about all this is that it's difficult to continue on with normal life when you know this giant change is approaching. It is all consuming at moments. I have logged hours in prayer. I think about it constantly and go over and over scripture that encourages and lists that I need to complete. I feel right now that this impending transition and all the turmoil that will follow is taking over my thoughts!   I live and breath this situation now. If someone asks me how I am, I end up talking about the adoption.  Every conversation has something to do with it, weather our feelings, how my kids are responding, updates on logistics, opinions about what I should make sure our little guys takes away from us, or just spilling my guts about heartache. I fear the people around me are going to be fed up! But so far I have received nothing but comfort, understanding and support. Thank God for His people and their place in my life!

 Please, as we enter the final weeks of this journey, pray for us. Pray specifically that the right family will be chosen to raise this precious one, pray that we will emerge from the pain of separation with him stronger and more dedicated to what God is calling us to, pray for my kids and the loss they will experience and that we have wisdom as we guide them through their grief, and lastly pray for our baby. Pray with us that he will have an easy transition, that he will bond quickly to his family and that he will not feel abandoned by us. Pray he comes to know our great Savior one day and that we'll see him again in eternity. (Okay, there's the tears I've been keeping in) Pray for my mothering heart that will be left with a tiny tear in it when it separates form this boy. I so appreciate all the support and loving comments you all leave me, please know you are a gift from God!

1 comment:

Jason and Lauren Bernard said...

So thankful for you, and your family's love for the sweet little guy that has been a part of your family for awhile now. Know that we are praying for you, and know that you don't ever have to feel bad about talking about what you are going through...I can't imagine.